
How to Get the year, month, and day from a datetime in Python

Tutorialsrack 29/03/2020 Programs Python

In this article, we will learn how to get or extract the year, month and day from a DateTime in python.

Example: In this example, we will get the date part from the DateTime

# How to Get the year, month, and day of a datetime in Python

# Import Module
import datetime

now = datetime.datetime.now()

print ("\nCurrent date and time using instance attributes:")
print ("\nCurrent year: ", now.year)
# Output ==> Current year:  2020

print ("\nCurrent month: ", now.month)
#Output ==> Current month:  3

print ("\nCurrent day: ", now.day)
# Output ==> Current day:  29

print ("\nCurrent hour: ", now.hour)
# Output ==> Current hour:  16

print ("\nCurrent minute: ", now.minute)
# Output ==> Current minute:  5

print ("\nCurrent second: ", now.second)
# Output ==> Current second:  44

print ("\nCurrent microsecond: ", now.microsecond)
# Output ==> Current microsecond:  405009

I hope this article will help you to understand how to get or extract the year, month and day from a DateTime in python.

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