In this article, you will learn how to find the second or Nth highest salary department wise in SQL Server. There are many ways to find the 2nd or Nh highest salary department wise in SQL Server.
Here are some examples to get or find the 2nd or Nth highest salary for each department in SQL Server.
Find the 2nd or third or Nth highest Salary in SQL Server
Find the 2nd or third or Nth highest Salary in Linq C#
Dummy Data for Find the second Highest Salary for each Department
Table: Employee Table(tbl_emp)
id |
firstname |
lastname |
gender |
salary |
city |
deptid |
1 |
Tom |
Hardy |
m |
200000 |
New York |
1 |
2 |
Hugh |
Jackman |
m |
21500 |
Los Angles |
2 |
3 |
Scarlett |
johansson |
f |
15000 |
Manhattan |
1 |
4 |
Chris |
Hemsworth |
m |
52000 |
Sydney |
1 |
6 |
Harry |
Potter |
m |
545000 |
New York |
3 |
7 |
Tom |
Holland |
m |
890000 |
New York |
2 |
8 |
Sofia |
vergara |
f |
1500000 |
Colombia |
3 |
Table 2: Department Table(tbl_department)
deptid |
deptName |
1 |
IT |
2 |
HR |
3 |
Account |
-- First Approach to Get Second Highest Salary Department Wise
select dept.deptName,MAX(salary) as highestSalary from
(select Emp1.deptid,Emp1.salary
from tbl_emp Emp1,(select deptid,MAX(salary) as salary
from tbl_emp group by deptid) Emp2
where emp1.deptid=Emp2.deptid
and Emp1.salary<Emp2.salary) as Employee
join tbl_department dept on Employee.deptid=dept.deptid
group by dept.deptName;
deptName highestSalary
---------------- ------------------
Account 545000.00
HR 21500.00
IT 52000.00
Example 2: Second Approach to Get the Second Highest Salary Department Wise
-- Second Approach to Get the Second Highest Salary Department Wise
select dept.deptName, max(Emp1.salary) as highestSalary
from tbl_emp Emp1 join tbl_department dept on Emp1.deptid=dept.deptid
where Emp1.salary < (select max(salary)
from tbl_emp Emp2
where Emp2.deptid = Emp1.deptid
group by dept.deptName;
deptName highestSalary
---------------- ------------------
Account 545000.00
HR 21500.00
IT 52000.00
Example 3: Third Approach to Get the Second Highest Salary Department Wise
-- Third Approach to Get the Second Highest Salary Department Wise
SELECT dept.deptName, Emp1.salary as highestSalary
FROM tbl_emp Emp1 join tbl_department dept on Emp1.deptid=dept.deptid
FROM tbl_emp Emp2
WHERE Emp2.salary > Emp1.salary AND Emp1.deptid = Emp2.deptid)
group by dept.deptName,Emp1.salary;
deptName highestSalary
---------------- ------------------
Account 545000.00
HR 21500.00
IT 52000.00
If you want to find the second(2nd) or third(3rd) or Nth highest salary department wise in SQL Server. Then use this approach to get or find the Nth highest salary department wise.
-- Fourth Approach to Get the Second Highest Salary Department Wise
WITH cteRowNum AS (
FROM tbl_emp
SELECT dept.deptName,cte.salary as highestSalary
FROM cteRowNum cte join tbl_department dept on cte.deptid=dept.deptid
WHERE RowNum = 2;
deptName highestSalary
----------------- ----------------------
IT 52000.00
HR 21500.00
Account 545000.00
I hope this article will help you to understand how to find the second or Nth highest salary department wise in SQL Server.
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