
Javascript Array - at() Method

Tutorialsrack 21/08/2022 Jquery Javascript

In this article, you’ll learn about Javascript built-in Array.at() method. In JavaScript, you can use the square bracket notation([]) to access an element at a specific index of an array. For instance, the arr[0] returns the first element in the array arr, the arr[3] returns the fourth element, and so on.

And To get the last element in an array, you use the length property like this:


But you can’t use the negative integer with square bracket notation if you used the negative integer with square bracket notation([]), it returns undefined. To overcome this issue, ES2022 introduced a new method at() added to the prototype of Array, String, and TypeArray.

Array.prototype.at() Method

  • The Array.prototype.at() method used to get the element of the specific index. 
  • This method takes an integer value as an argument and returns the item at that index, allowing for positive and negative integers. 
  • If you pass a negative integer as an argument, then this method counts back from the last item in the array.
  • If the value passes as an argument that is bigger or equal to the array length, then, like the regular accessor, the method returns undefined

Here are some examples of Array.at() method:

Examples:  Array.at() method
let arr = ["Java", "Javascript", "Python", "C#", "ReactJs", "Angular", "Flutter"];
// Output => "Javascript"
// Output => "Angular"
If the value passes as an argument that is bigger or equal
to the array length, then, like the regular accessor,
the method returns undefined. For Example
// Output => undefined
If you pass a negative integer as an argument,
then this method counts back from the last item
in the array. this is not possible with the
Square bracket Notation([]). For Example
// Output => "Flutter"
// Output => "ReactJs"

I hope this article will help you to understand Javascript built-in Array.at() method.

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