In this article, we will learn How to get the First Day and the Last Day of the Month in MySQL.
MySQL supports a lot of DATE
and TIME
related functions. If you want to find out the last day of a month, you can make use of an inbuilt function named LAST_DAY.
But there is no built-in function to get or to find the first day of the month, so here we use 4 methods to get the first day of the month in MySQL.
Method 1: To Get the First Day of the month using DATE_ADD
function in MySQL, use the statement given below:
SET @date:= '2019-02-03';
SELECT date_add(date_add(LAST_DAY(@date),interval 1 DAY),interval -1 MONTH) AS 'First Day of the Month';
Method 2: To Get the First Day of the month using DATE_ADD
function in MySQL, use the statement given below:
SET @date:= '2019-02-03';
SELECT date_add(@date,interval -DAY(@date)+1 DAY) AS 'First Day of the Month';
Method 3: To Get the First Day of the month using DATE_FORMAT
function in MySQL, use the statement given below:
SET @date:= '2019-02-03';
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(@date,'%Y-%m-01') AS 'First Day of the Month';
Method 4: To Get the First Day of the month using DATE_SUB
function in MySQL, use the statement given below:
set @date:= '2019-02-03';
Select DATE_SUB(DATE(@date), INTERVAL (DAY(@date)-1) DAY) as 'First Day of the Month';
To Get the Last of the Month, Use LAST_DAY
function, use the statement given below:
function in MySQLSELECT LAST_DAY('2019-02-03') AS 'Last Day of the Month';
I hope this article will help you to understand How to get the First Day and the Last Day of the Month in MySQL.
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