
Find the 2nd or 3rd or Nth highest salary

Tutorialsrack 20/02/2019 SQL

SQL Query to find 2nd or 3rd or Nth highest salary. This is a very common SQL Server Interview Question. There are several ways of finding the 2nd or 3rd or Nth highest salary.  

  1. How to find nth highest salary in SQL Server using a Sub-Query
  2. How to find nth highest salary in SQL Server using a CTE
  3. How to find the 2nd, 3rd or 15th highest salary

Find 2nd, 3rd or Nth Highest salary using LINQ

Use the following script to create a table
Create table Employees
     ID int primary key identity,
     FirstName nvarchar(50),
     LastName nvarchar(50),
     Gender nvarchar(50),
     Salary int

Insert into Employees values ('Sourabh', 'chauhan', 'Male', 70000)
Insert into Employees values ('Hemant', 'chauhan', 'Male', 60000)
Insert into Employees values ('Ravi', 'Thakur', 'Male', 45000)
Insert into Employees values ('Sourabh', 'Chauhan', 'Male', 70000)
Insert into Employees values ('Praveen', 'Yadav', 'Male', 45000)
Insert into Employees values ('Sanaya', 'sharma', 'Female', 30000)
Insert into Employees values ('Geetanjali', 'Mishra', 'Female', 35000)
Insert into Employees values ('Tom', 'Stanmore', 'Male', 80000)

Table: Employees

ID FirstName LastName Gender Salary
1 Sourabh Chauhan Male 70000
2 Hemant Chauhan Male 60000
3 Ravi Thakur Male 45000
4 Sourabh chauhan Male 70000
5 Praveen Yadav Male 45000
6 Sanaya Sharma Female 30000
7 Geetanjali Mishra Female 35000
8 Tom Stanmore Male 80000

Find Nth highest salary using Sub Query

1st Method for finding Nth Highest Salary
select top 1 salary from 
(select distinct top N Salary from Employees order by Salary desc)
as result order by salary
--Relpace N with Any Number, you want to find the highest salary

2nd Method:-

2nd Method for finding Nth highest salary
select min(salary) from(
select distinct top N salary from employees order by salary desc) as sal
--Relpace N with Any Number, you want to find the highest salary

Find Nth highest salary using CTE and Dense_Rank()

Nth highest salary using CTE and DENSE_RANK()
with cte as
select salary,DENSE_RANK() over (order by salary desc) as DenseRank from Employees
select top 1 salary from cte where DenseRank=N

--Relpace N with Any Number, you want to find the highest salary

For finding the Nth highest salary, we can use the above two queries

Find Nth highest salary using CTE and Row_Number()

Nth Highest salary using ROW_NUMBER()
with CTE1 as(
select distinct salary,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by salary desc) as RowNumber 
from Employees order by salary desc
select salary from CTE1 where RowNumber = N

--Relpace N with Any Number, you want to find the highest salary

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