
Tags: SQL Server Functions Articles

How to Get the Current Time Zone of the Server in SQL Server.

Tutorialsrack 05/11/2021 SQL Server

In this article, you will learn how to get the current timezone of the server in SQL Server. A very common question we developers often encounter is what is the current Timezone of the server where the SQL Server is installed. Here are the two examples to get the current timezone of the server in SQL Server.

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How to Check if a Column Exists in a Table in SQL Server

Tutorialsrack 23/10/2021 SQL Server

In this article, you will learn how to check if a column exists in a table or not in the SQL server. There are various in-built system catalog views or metadata functions that you can use to check the existence of columns in a table of SQL Server. There are various ways to check whether a column exists in a table or not. Here are some examples to achieve this.

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How to Convert a Month Name to the Month Number in SQL Server

Tutorialsrack 06/06/2021 SQL SQL Server

In this article, you’ll learn how to convert a month name to the month number in SQL Server. In SQL Server, there are no built-in functions to get a month number from a month name. So, here, you can use the MONTH()andDATEPART() functions to convert a month name to its corresponding month number.

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