
Python Comments

Comments are an essential part of programming that enhance code readability and maintainability. In Python, comments allow developers to explain complex logic, document functions, and prevent code execution without deleting it. This comprehensive guide will delve into the various types of comments in Python, their syntax, use cases, best practices, and how they differ from docstrings.

Introduction to Python Comments

In Python, comments are lines of text that the interpreter ignores during execution. They are used to explain the code, making it easier for others (and yourself) to understand what's happening, especially when revisiting the code after some time.


# This is a comment in Python
print("Hello, World!")

Why Are Comments Important in Programming?

  • Enhance Readability: Comments make code easier to read and understand.
  • Facilitate Collaboration: They help team members grasp complex logic without extensive explanations.
  • Documentation: Serve as in-code documentation for functions, classes, and modules.
  • Debugging Aid: Comments can temporarily disable code without deleting it.

Single-Line Comments

Syntax and Examples

Single-line comments in Python start with the hash character # and extend to the end of the line.


# This is a single-line comment


# Calculate the area of a circle
radius = 5
area = 3.14 * radius ** 2  # Area formula: πr^2
print(f"The area is {area}")


  • The first comment explains the purpose of the code block.
  • The inline comment after the calculation provides the formula used.

Use Cases

  • Explaining Code Logic: Describe what a particular piece of code does.
  • Providing Context: Offer background information or reasoning behind a specific approach.
  • Inline Comments: Clarify complex lines within the code.

Multi-Line Comments

Multi-Line Comments Syntax and Examples

Python doesn't have a specific syntax for multi-line comments like some other languages. However, multi-line comments can be created using consecutive single-line comments or by using multi-line strings.

Using Consecutive Single-Line Comments:

# This is a multi-line comment
# explaining the following code block
# which calculates factorial of a number

Using Multi-Line Strings:

Triple quotes ''' or """ can create multi-line strings, which can act as comments if not assigned to a variable or used as docstrings.

This is a multi-line comment using triple quotes.
It can span multiple lines.
The interpreter ignores this if it's not a docstring.


Function to calculate factorial of a number.
This demonstrates the use of multi-line comments.
def factorial(n):
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)

Multi-Line Comments Use Cases

  • Detailed Explanations: When a simple comment isn't enough to explain complex logic.
  • Section Headers: To delineate different sections of code.
  • Commenting Out Blocks of Code: Temporarily disable code during debugging.

Docstrings in Python

What Are Docstrings?

Docstrings are string literals that appear right after the definition of a function, method, class, or module. They are used to document the object and can be accessed using the __doc__ attribute or the help() function.


def greet(name):
    """Return a greeting message."""
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

Using Docstrings Effectively

Single-Line Docstrings: For simple functions or methods.

def add(a, b):
    """Return the sum of a and b."""
    return a + b

Multi-Line Docstrings: For more complex objects, following PEP 257 conventions.

def complex_function(x, y):
    Perform a complex calculation.

    x (int): The first parameter.
    y (int): The second parameter.

    int: The result of the calculation.
    return x ** y + y ** x

Docstrings vs. Comments

  • Docstrings:
    • Used for documentation.
    • Placed within triple quotes inside classes, methods, functions, or modules.
    • Accessible via __doc__ or help().
  • Comments:
    • Used to explain code.
    • Not accessible programmatically.
    • Ignored by the interpreter.

Best Practices for Writing Comments

When to Comment

  • Complex Logic: When the code isn't self-explanatory.
  • Assumptions: Document any assumptions made.
  • Important Decisions: Explain why a particular approach was taken.
  • Functionality: Describe the purpose of functions or classes if not using docstrings.

Writing Effective Comments

  • Be Clear and Concise: Keep comments straightforward.
  • Update Comments: Ensure comments reflect the current state of the code.

Avoid Obvious Comments: Don't comment on self-explanatory code.

i = i + 1  # Increment i by 1 (Obvious and unnecessary)
  • Use Proper Grammar and Spelling: Makes comments professional and readable.
  • Consistent Style: Maintain a consistent commenting style throughout the codebase.

Real-World Example: Commenting a Python Script

Let's consider a Python script that processes a list of numbers and extracts prime numbers.

Annotated Code with Comments

# primes.py

# Import necessary modules
import math

# Function to check if a number is prime
def is_prime(number):
    Determine if a number is prime.

    number (int): The number to check.

    bool: True if prime, False otherwise.
    if number <= 1:
        return False  # Numbers less than or equal to 1 are not prime
    if number <= 3:
        return True  # 2 and 3 are prime numbers
    if number % 2 == 0 or number % 3 == 0:
        return False  # Exclude multiples of 2 and 3

    # Check for divisibility by other numbers
    for i in range(5, int(math.sqrt(number)) + 1, 6):
        if number % i == 0 or number % (i + 2) == 0:
            return False  # Number is divisible by i or i+2
    return True  # Number is prime

# List of numbers to check
numbers = [10, 15, 17, 23, 29, 33, 37, 41, 44, 49]

# List to store prime numbers
primes = []

# Iterate over the numbers and check for primes
for num in numbers:
    if is_prime(num):
        primes.append(num)  # Add prime number to the list

# Output the list of prime numbers
print("Prime numbers:", primes)


  • Module Imports:
    • Imported the math module for mathematical operations.
  • Function is_prime:
    • Includes a docstring explaining the purpose, parameters, and return value.
    • Comments within the function explain specific checks and logic.
  • Main Script:
    • Commented the list initialization for clarity.
    • Explained the purpose of the loop and actions within it.
  • Output:
    • Prints the list of identified prime numbers.

Use Case:

  • This script demonstrates how comments and docstrings can make code understandable and maintainable, especially when dealing with complex logic like prime number calculation.

Key Takeaways

  • Comments Enhance Readability: They make code easier to understand for others and your future self.
  • Use Appropriate Comment Types: Single-line comments for brief explanations, multi-line comments for detailed descriptions, and docstrings for documentation.
  • Follow Best Practices: Write clear, concise, and relevant comments; avoid unnecessary commentary.
  • Update Comments Regularly: Keep comments in sync with code changes to prevent confusion.
  • Docstrings Are Not Comments: They serve a different purpose and are accessible programmatically.


Comments are a vital tool in a programmer's arsenal, aiding in code clarity and collaboration. In Python, you can use single-line comments, multi-line comments, and docstrings to document your code effectively. Understanding when and how to use each type of comment ensures that your codebase remains clean, understandable, and maintainable. By following best practices and keeping your comments up-to-date, you enhance not only your productivity but also that of anyone who interacts with your code.