

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use UNION or UNION ALL opertator and combine the result set of two or more SELECT statement into a single result set using SQL.

SQL UNION Operator

  • SQL UNION Clause/Operator is used to combine the result set of two or more SELECT statements and only returned unique records/rows.
  • For using UNION Clause/Operator, there are some basic rules as follow:
  • Each SELECT statement/queries within UNION Clause must have the same number of columns.
  • Columns must also have similar datatypes.
  • The order of the columns must be the same in all SELECT statements/queries.
Syntax - UNION Operator
SELECT column1,column2,...columnN FROM tableName1
SELECT column1,column2,...columnN FROM tableName2;


  • SQL UNION ALL Clause/Operator is used to combine the result set of two or more SELECT statements and returned all the duplicate records/rows also.
  • The same rules that apply to the UNION clause/operator will apply to the UNION ALL clause/operator.
Syntax - UNION ALL Operator
SELECT column1,column2,...columnN FROM tableName1
SELECT column1,column2,...columnN FROM tableName2;


UNION AND UNION ALL Both used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements. The Only difference between both UNION and UNION ALL is that UNION  returns distinct records while UNION ALL returns all the records.


Let us consider these two tables "Customer" and "Suppliers" for records.

Table Name: Customer

ID FirstName LastName City Country Phone Pincode
1 Sourabh Chauhan Delhi India 8899885522 110044
2 Rakesh Saini Faridabad India 5878458595 121001
3 Kapil Saini Noida India 5878987885 203103
4 Hemant Chauhan Delhi India 2145622222 110044
5 Vivek Kumar Delhi India 1523654789 110096
6 Sammy Brown New York US 1325647899 11001
7 Tom Hardy LA US 1215466456 10001

Table Name: Suppliers

ID FirstName LastName City Country Phone Pincode
1 Chris Pratt New York US 1199885522 11001
2 Sarah Jane Sydney Australia 3878458595 2000
3 Kapil Chauhan Agra India 5878987885 223007
4 Hemant Chaurasia Delhi India 2145622222 110077
5 Vivek Ojha Delhi India 1523654789 110036
6 Sameer Kalia New York US 1325647899 11001
7 Tom Hilfiger LA US 1215466456 10001

Example of UNION Clause/Operator

Select the records(ID, FirstName, City) from both the tables (Customer and Suppliers) using UNION clause,  a query will be:-

Example - UNION Clause/Operator
SELECT ID,FirstName,City FROM Customer
select ID,FirstName,City FROM Suppliers;
ID Name City
1 Chris New York
1 Sourabh Delhi
2 Rakesh Faridabad
2 Sarah Sydney
3 Kapil Agra
3 Kapil Noida
4 Hemant Delhi
5 Vivek Delhi
6 Sameer New York
6 Sammy New York
7 Tom LA

Example of UNION ALL Clause/Operator

Select the records(ID, FirstName, City) from both the tables (Customer and Suppliers) using UNION ALL clause,  a query will be:

Syntax - of SELECT Statement
SELECT ID,FirstName,City FROM Customer
select ID,FirstName,City FROM Suppliers;
Syntax - SELECT Statement
ID Name City
1 Sourabh Delhi
2 Rakesh Faridabad
3 Kapil Noida
4 Hemant Delhi
5 Vivek Delhi
6 Sammy New York
7 Tom LA
1 Chris New York
2 Sarah Sydney
3 Kapil Agra
4 Hemant Delhi
5 Vivek Delhi
6 Sameer New York
7 Tom LA