
Covariance and Contravariance in C#

Covariance and contravariance are advanced concepts in C# that allow for greater flexibility when working with types and inheritance, especially in collections, delegates, and generics. By using these concepts, you can ensure that your code is both type-safe and adaptable to various requirements without compromising clarity.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore what covariance and contravariance mean, how they work in C#, and how they are applied in real-world scenarios. Examples with explanations, use cases, and a practical example will illustrate how you can incorporate these principles effectively.

Introduction to Covariance and Contravariance

Covariance and contravariance define how type compatibility works in C#. They allow for flexibility in type assignments while ensuring type safety, particularly when working with generic types.

Core Concepts

  • Covariance: Allows a method to return a derived type where a base type is expected.
  • Contravariance: Allows a method to accept parameters of a base type where a derived type is expected.

Covariance and contravariance are especially useful when working with generic interfaces and delegates, providing you with more versatile ways to interact with collections, events, and more.

Covariance in C#

In C#, covariance is applicable in situations where you need to work with a derived type while expecting a base type. Covariance allows for “upcasting” within generics and delegates, enabling a derived type to be substituted where a base type is expected.

Example 1: Covariance with Interfaces

The IEnumerable<out T> interface in C# supports covariance. Let’s look at an example to illustrate this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Animal
    public virtual void Speak() => Console.WriteLine("Animal sound");

public class Dog : Animal
    public override void Speak() => Console.WriteLine("Woof Woof!");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        IEnumerable<Dog> dogs = new List<Dog> { new Dog(), new Dog() };
        IEnumerable<Animal> animals = dogs; // Covariance: IEnumerable<Dog> to IEnumerable<Animal>

        foreach (Animal animal in animals)
            animal.Speak(); // Calls Dog's Speak method


  • IEnumerable<out T> allows covariance because of the out keyword.
  • IEnumerable<Dog> can be assigned to IEnumerable<Animal>, making it possible to treat a collection of Dog objects as Animal objects.

Example 2: Covariance with Delegates

Covariance can also be applied with delegates when the return type is derived. Consider the following example:

public delegate Animal AnimalDelegate();

public class Program
    public static Dog GetDog() => new Dog();

    public static void Main()
        AnimalDelegate animalDelegate = GetDog; // Covariance: Dog to Animal
        Animal animal = animalDelegate();
        animal.Speak(); // Output: Woof Woof!


  • AnimalDelegate expects a method that returns an Animal, but we assign it to a method that returns Dog.
  • This is possible because Dog is derived from Animal, making it compatible with the delegate's return type.

Contravariance in C#

Contravariance allows us to assign a delegate or generic type that uses a base type to one that requires a derived type, typically in the parameter position. In contravariant type parameters, the in keyword is used.

Example 1: Contravariance with Interfaces

Contravariance is most commonly applied with IComparer<T> and IComparer<in T>. Let’s explore a practical example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Animal { }

public class Dog : Animal { }

public class AnimalComparer : IComparer<Animal>
    public int Compare(Animal x, Animal y) => 0; // Simple comparison logic

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        IComparer<Dog> dogComparer = new AnimalComparer(); // Contravariance
        List<Dog> dogs = new List<Dog> { new Dog(), new Dog() };


  • IComparer<in T> supports contravariance with the in keyword, enabling us to assign IComparer<Animal> to IComparer<Dog>.
  • This is possible because the comparison logic can apply to Dog as it’s a subclass of Animal.

Example 2: Contravariance with Delegates

Contravariance is also possible with delegate parameters. Let’s look at an example:

public delegate void DogHandler(Dog dog);

public class Program
    public static void HandleAnimal(Animal animal) => Console.WriteLine("Handling an animal");

    public static void Main()
        DogHandler handler = HandleAnimal; // Contravariance: Animal to Dog
        handler(new Dog());


  • DogHandler is defined to accept a Dog parameter, but we assign it to HandleAnimal, which accepts an Animal.
  • This works because HandleAnimal can handle any Animal, including Dog.

Real-World Example: Type Compatibility in Collections

Let’s look at a real-world scenario where covariance and contravariance improve the usability and flexibility of a software application.

Scenario: Animal Shelter Management System

Imagine an animal shelter management system where we have multiple types of animals (Animal, Dog, Cat). We want to use generic collections and delegate methods to manage them, allowing for flexible interaction across different types of animals.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Animal
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual void MakeSound() => Console.WriteLine("Some generic animal sound");

public class Dog : Animal
    public override void MakeSound() => Console.WriteLine("Woof Woof!");

public class Cat : Animal
    public override void MakeSound() => Console.WriteLine("Meow!");

public class AnimalShelter
    public event Action<Animal> OnAnimalAdded; // Contravariant Action<Animal>

    public void AddAnimal(Animal animal)
        OnAnimalAdded?.Invoke(animal); // Raise event when a new animal is added

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        AnimalShelter shelter = new AnimalShelter();

        shelter.OnAnimalAdded += HandleAnimal; // Contravariance in Action delegate

        shelter.AddAnimal(new Dog { Name = "Buddy" });
        shelter.AddAnimal(new Cat { Name = "Whiskers" });

    public static void HandleAnimal(Animal animal)
        Console.WriteLine($"Animal added: {animal.Name}");


  • OnAnimalAdded is defined as Action<Animal>, allowing us to handle all animals.
  • By adding Dog and Cat instances, the shelter management system handles them polymorphically, printing their unique sounds.

This example demonstrates how covariance and contravariance allow flexible event handling across different types of animals, enabling code reuse and simplifying the handling logic in the animal shelter application.

Key Takeaways

  • Covariance (out) allows derived types to be used in places where base types are expected, particularly with return types in generic collections and delegates.
  • Contravariance (in) enables base types to be used in places where derived types are expected, especially useful in parameter types for collections and delegates.
  • Type Flexibility: Covariance and contravariance allow developers to write more flexible and reusable code by broadening the compatibility of generics and delegates.
  • Practical Applications: They’re highly beneficial in event handling, collections, and interfaces like IEnumerable<T> and IComparer<T>, where type relationships improve code organization.


Covariance and contravariance are advanced type compatibility features in C# that help developers create flexible and reusable code. By leveraging these concepts with out and in keywords, developers can manage complex type relationships in generics, collections, and delegates. Understanding how to implement covariance and contravariance allows you to improve both the versatility and type safety of your code, making it more robust for various application scenarios.

These concepts become especially valuable in polymorphic contexts, like an animal shelter management system, where different animal types need to be managed seamlessly. By understanding and applying covariance and contravariance, you can create more adaptable, maintainable, and readable code, enhancing your application's overall structure and functionality.