
C# if, else if, else Statements

Conditional statements like if, else if, and else form the core of decision-making in any programming language, and C# is no different. These statements allow your program to execute certain blocks of code based on specific conditions. This tutorial will explain how to use if, else if, and else in C#, walk you through some practical examples, discuss use cases, and offer key takeaways to summarize the concepts.

What is an if Statement?

In C#, the if statement evaluates a condition (a boolean expression) and executes a block of code if the condition is true. The condition can be any expression that returns true or false.


if (condition)
    // Code to execute if the condition is true


int number = 5;

if (number > 3)
    Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 3.");

In this example, since the condition number > 3 is true, the statement inside the if block will be executed, printing:


The number is greater than 3.

How Does else if Work?

The else if statement allows you to check additional conditions if the initial if condition is false. You can chain multiple else if blocks to create more complex decision-making processes.


if (condition1)
    // Executes if condition1 is true
else if (condition2)
    // Executes if condition1 is false and condition2 is true


int number = 5;

if (number > 10)
    Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 10.");
else if (number > 3)
    Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 3.");

Since number > 10 is false but number > 3 is true, the output will be:

The number is greater than 3.

Understanding the else Block

The else block is used as a fallback when none of the preceding if or else if conditions are met. This ensures that at least one block of code is executed, even if no conditions are true.


if (condition1)
    // Executes if condition1 is true
else if (condition2)
    // Executes if condition1 is false and condition2 is true
    // Executes if all the previous conditions are false


int number = 1;

if (number > 10)
    Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 10.");
else if (number > 5)
    Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 5.");
    Console.WriteLine("The number is 5 or less.");

Since both conditions number > 10 and number > 5 are false, the code in the else block will be executed, and the output will be:

The number is 5 or less.

Combining if, else if, and else

In C#, you can combine if, else if, and else to cover multiple decision branches. When writing complex conditions, always remember:

  1. The first if is evaluated.
  2. If if is false, the else if conditions (if any) are evaluated in order.
  3. If all conditions are false, the else block is executed.


int age = 25;

if (age < 13)
    Console.WriteLine("You are a child.");
else if (age >= 13 && age < 20)
    Console.WriteLine("You are a teenager.");
    Console.WriteLine("You are an adult.");

In this case:

  • age < 13 is false.
  • age >= 13 && age < 20 is false.

Therefore, the else block will be executed, and the output will be:

You are an adult.

Nested if Statements

An if statement can be placed inside another if or else block. This is known as nested if statements and is useful when you need to make multiple levels of decisions.


if (condition1)
    if (condition2)
        // Executes if condition1 and condition2 are true


int score = 85;

if (score > 80)
    if (score > 90)
        Console.WriteLine("You got an A+.");
        Console.WriteLine("You got an A.");
    Console.WriteLine("You got less than an A.");

In this example:

  • score > 80 is true, so the program enters the outer if block.
  • Since score > 90 is false, it executes the else inside the first if, printing:
You got an A.

Practical Examples

1. Grading System:

int marks = 75;

if (marks >= 90)
    Console.WriteLine("Grade: A");
else if (marks >= 80)
    Console.WriteLine("Grade: B");
else if (marks >= 70)
    Console.WriteLine("Grade: C");
else if (marks >= 60)
    Console.WriteLine("Grade: D");
    Console.WriteLine("Grade: F");

In this grading system, the program checks the marks and assigns the appropriate grade.

2. Weather Checker:

int temperature = 30;

if (temperature >= 35)
    Console.WriteLine("It's a very hot day.");
else if (temperature >= 25)
    Console.WriteLine("It's a warm day.");
else if (temperature >= 15)
    Console.WriteLine("It's a cool day.");
    Console.WriteLine("It's cold outside.");

In this weather checker, the program determines what to output based on the temperature.

Common Use Cases

1. Form Validation:

You can use if, else if, and else to validate user inputs. For example, checking if a form field is filled out or a password is correct.

2. Menu Selection:

Menus that require the user to select options often rely on if, else if, and else to process different selections.

3. Decision Trees:

Any application that requires branching logic, such as games or business processes, can use if-else structures to manage decision trees.

Key Takeaways

  • if Statements: Allow you to execute code when a specific condition is true.
  • else if Statements: Provide additional conditions to check if the initial if condition is false.
  • else Block: Acts as a fallback to ensure a block of code is executed if no preceding conditions are true.
  • Chaining Conditions: You can chain multiple else if conditions to check for different possibilities in a sequence.
  • Nesting: if statements can be nested to perform more complex conditional logic.
  • Use Cases: Commonly used in validation, menu selection, grading systems, decision trees, and handling user input.


C#’s if, else if, and else statements are fundamental constructs for making decisions based on conditions in your code. They are easy to learn yet powerful enough to handle a wide range of scenarios, from simple condition checks to complex decision trees. By mastering these control structures, you can create more dynamic, responsive, and flexible programs. Remember to structure your conditions logically and use else as a fallback to ensure your code behaves predictably.

Understanding how and when to use these conditional statements effectively is key to writing robust C# programs.