
C# Predicate Delegate

The Predicate delegate in C# is a powerful tool for handling methods that evaluate conditions and return a bool result. It’s ideal for scenarios where you need to filter or search through collections based on specific criteria. This guide provides a thorough explanation of the Predicate delegate, its syntax, and usage, with examples and real-world applications.

Introduction to Predicate Delegate

The Predicate delegate in C# is used to define methods that take a single parameter and return a boolean result (true or false). This delegate is especially useful for filtering or searching within collections. It resides in the System namespace and is widely used with collection types, such as List<T>, to identify elements that meet specific criteria.

Key Characteristics

  • Single Parameter: The Predicate delegate takes exactly one input parameter.
  • Boolean Return Type: It always returns a bool value.
  • Ideal for Filtering: Frequently used in collection operations like Find, FindAll, Exists, etc.

Understanding Predicate Delegate Syntax

The Predicate delegate is defined as follows:

  • Syntax: Predicate<T>
    • T: The type of the parameter for the method it encapsulates.

Basic Example of Predicate Syntax

Predicate<int> isEven = number => number % 2 == 0;
Console.WriteLine(isEven(4));  // Output: True
Console.WriteLine(isEven(3));  // Output: False

In this example:

  • Predicate<int> defines a delegate with one int parameter (number) and returns a boolean.
  • The lambda expression checks if number is even.

Examples of Using Predicate Delegate

Example 1: Predicate for Odd Number Check

This example defines a Predicate<int> that checks if a number is odd.

Predicate<int> isOdd = number => number % 2 != 0;
Console.WriteLine(isOdd(5));  // Output: True
Console.WriteLine(isOdd(8));  // Output: False


  • Predicate<int> specifies a delegate with one integer parameter.
  • The lambda expression number => number % 2 != 0 evaluates to true if the number is odd.

Example 2: Using Predicate with List's Find Method

In this example, we use a Predicate<string> to search for a specific word in a list of strings.

List<string> names = new List<string> { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David" };
Predicate<string> isNameBob = name => name == "Bob";

string foundName = names.Find(isNameBob);
Console.WriteLine(foundName);  // Output: Bob


  • The Predicate<string> checks if a name is "Bob".
  • The Find method in the list uses this predicate to search for the first occurrence that matches the condition.

Example 3: Using Predicate with List's FindAll Method

FindAll returns all items that meet the condition specified by the predicate.

List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
Predicate<int> isGreaterThanFive = number => number > 5;

List<int> results = numbers.FindAll(isGreaterThanFive);
results.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); // Output: 6 7 8 9


  • Predicate<int> defines a condition to find numbers greater than five.
  • FindAll retrieves all matching elements.

Real-World Example: Filtering a Customer List

In this example, we use a Predicate to filter a list of customers based on a specific criterion—checking if they are "premium" members.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Customer
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool IsPremium { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>
            new Customer { Name = "Alice", IsPremium = true },
            new Customer { Name = "Bob", IsPremium = false },
            new Customer { Name = "Charlie", IsPremium = true },
            new Customer { Name = "David", IsPremium = false }

        Predicate<Customer> isPremiumCustomer = customer => customer.IsPremium;

        List<Customer> premiumCustomers = customers.FindAll(isPremiumCustomer);
        Console.WriteLine("Premium Customers:");
        premiumCustomers.ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c.Name));
        // Output:
        // Premium Customers:
        // Alice
        // Charlie


  • isPremiumCustomer: The Predicate<Customer> checks if a customer is a premium member.
  • FindAll: This method uses the predicate to retrieve all premium customers from the list.
  • Real-World Application: This approach is useful in e-commerce platforms where premium or special-status customers might receive different levels of service or exclusive offers.

Key Takeaways

  • Returns a Boolean: The Predicate delegate always returns a bool, making it ideal for conditional checks.
  • Single Parameter Requirement: Predicate delegates are limited to one input parameter.
  • Enhanced Collection Filtering: Predicates are useful for searching and filtering operations, especially with lists.
  • Reusable and Readable: Defining reusable predicate logic improves code readability and modularity.


The Predicate delegate in C# is designed for methods that require a single input parameter and return a bool, making it perfect for evaluating conditions. Its primary use is for filtering and searching collections based on specified criteria, like identifying items that match certain characteristics. With the flexibility of lambda expressions, predicates allow for concise and expressive code, enabling effective and modular conditional logic, especially when working with collections like List<T>.