
C# throw keyword

In C#, the throw keyword is a critical component for error handling, enabling the programmer to generate and manage exceptions intentionally. When an error or unexpected situation arises, throw creates an exception object that can be caught and handled by the application’s logic. This tutorial will cover how and when to use the throw keyword and including real-world examples.

Introduction to the throw Keyword

The throw keyword in C# is used to initiate an exception. It allows the program to signal that something unexpected has occurred, creating an exception object that details the issue and then halting the normal flow of execution. The throw keyword can be used to rethrow exceptions, pass custom messages, and trigger specific exception types, making it highly flexible for various scenarios.

Why throw Is Essential

The throw keyword is essential for:

  • Signaling errors when specific conditions are not met.
  • Providing additional information about the nature of the error.
  • Allowing programmatic error management through custom exceptions.

Basic Usage of throw

Simple Example

To use the throw keyword, specify the exception type you wish to throw. Here’s a simple example of how to throw a generic Exception in C#:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int age = -5;
        if (age < 0)
            throw new Exception("Age cannot be negative.");

In this example, if age is less than zero, the program throws an exception with the message "Age cannot be negative".

Rethrowing Exceptions

Sometimes, you may catch an exception and rethrow it, allowing it to be handled elsewhere. Here’s an example:

    int result = Divide(10, 0);
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred, rethrowing exception...");
    throw; // Rethrows the original exception

int Divide(int a, int b)
    return a / b;

Here, we catch a DivideByZeroException and rethrow it using throw;, preserving the original stack trace, which is helpful for debugging.

Use Cases for throw

The throw keyword is valuable for error handling in a variety of scenarios:

  1. Input Validation: Prevent users from entering invalid data.
  2. Enforcing Business Rules: Ensure application logic adheres to specific business rules.
  3. Re-throwing Exceptions: Pass exceptions up the call stack for broader handling.
  4. Custom Exception Messages: Provide detailed error messages to help users and developers understand the error.

Real-World Example: Bank Account System

Consider a banking system where we need to validate the balance before allowing a withdrawal. We’ll use throw to signal issues like insufficient funds.


using System;

// Custom Exception for Insufficient Funds
public class InsufficientFundsException : Exception
    public double AccountBalance { get; }

    public InsufficientFundsException(double balance)
        : base("Insufficient funds for the requested withdrawal.")
        AccountBalance = balance;

// Bank Account Class Using `throw`
public class BankAccount
    public double Balance { get; private set; }

    public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
        Balance = initialBalance;

    public void Withdraw(double amount)
        if (amount > Balance)
            throw new InsufficientFundsException(Balance);
        Balance -= amount;
        Console.WriteLine($"Withdrawal of {amount} successful. New balance: {Balance}");

class Program
    static void Main()
        var account = new BankAccount(100);

        catch (InsufficientFundsException ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}. Available balance is {ex.AccountBalance}.");


In this example:

  • InsufficientFundsException: We create a custom exception to indicate insufficient funds.
  • Withdraw Method: Checks if the withdrawal amount exceeds the balance. If it does, we throw an InsufficientFundsException, stopping the withdrawal and alerting the user.

This approach is a typical way to enforce business rules in applications and provide precise error handling.

Key Takeaways

  • Signal Errors Clearly: Use throw to signal specific errors, making it clear what went wrong.
  • Custom Exceptions: Define custom exceptions to provide meaningful error messages.
  • Use in Validation and Business Logic: throw is ideal for validation and enforcing rules within business logic.
  • Rethrow to Preserve Context: When catching and rethrowing an exception, using throw; without an argument preserves the original stack trace, aiding debugging.


The throw keyword is a foundational feature in C# for error handling. By enabling developers to raise exceptions purposefully, throw ensures that programs handle errors effectively and recover gracefully where possible. It’s especially useful for validating inputs, enforcing business rules, and maintaining control over error handling flow. In our banking example, throw allowed us to reject invalid withdrawals, enforcing important rules in a clear, structured way. With its flexibility and power, mastering throw equips you to build more reliable, maintainable applications.