
C# Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class in C# is an essential collection in the System.Collections.Generic namespace. It’s an ideal data structure for storing key-value pairs where fast retrieval of data based on unique keys is critical. This tutorial will cover the basics of Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, provide examples and use cases, and discuss a real-world application to demonstrate its practical use.

Introduction to Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is a powerful collection that enables storing data as key-value pairs. Unlike arrays or lists, a dictionary is a non-sequential collection, meaning it doesn’t store elements in any particular order. Instead, it uses a hash table to provide quick lookups, making it ideal for scenarios where data retrieval based on unique keys is essential.

Key Features

  • Fast Lookup: Provides O(1) average time complexity for retrieval.
  • Unique Keys: Each key in the dictionary must be unique.
  • Key-Value Pair Storage: Each entry consists of a unique key and an associated value.
  • Flexible Data Types: Allows any data types for both keys and values.

Creating and Initializing a Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

Creating a dictionary requires specifying types for both keys and values. You can initialize a dictionary with or without predefined key-value pairs.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Creating an empty dictionary with string keys and int values
        Dictionary<string, int> ages = new Dictionary<string, int>();

        // Initializing a dictionary with initial values
        Dictionary<int, string> employees = new Dictionary<int, string>
            { 101, "Alice" },
            { 102, "Bob" },
            { 103, "Charlie" }

Adding, Accessing, and Updating Elements

Adding Elements

You can add elements to a dictionary using the Add method. If a key already exists, an exception will be thrown.

ages.Add("John", 25);
ages.Add("Emma", 30);

Accessing Elements

To retrieve values, you can use the key as an index. If the key doesn’t exist, it will throw a KeyNotFoundException, so using TryGetValue is a safer approach.

// Accessing an existing key
int age = ages["John"];

// Using TryGetValue to avoid exceptions
if (ages.TryGetValue("Emma", out int emmaAge))
    Console.WriteLine($"Emma's age is {emmaAge}");

Updating Elements

You can update the value associated with an existing key by assigning a new value to it.

ages["John"] = 26; // Updates John's age to 26

Removing Elements

To remove elements, use the Remove method. It will remove the specified key and its associated value from the dictionary.

ages.Remove("Emma"); // Removes Emma from the dictionary

// Clearing all elements
ages.Clear(); // Removes all elements

Real-World Example: Employee Database Management

Suppose we have an application that needs to manage employee information, where each employee has a unique ID, and we need quick access to employee names based on their IDs.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class EmployeeDirectory
    private Dictionary<int, string> employeeDirectory = new Dictionary<int, string>();

    public void AddEmployee(int id, string name)
        if (!employeeDirectory.ContainsKey(id))
            employeeDirectory.Add(id, name);
            Console.WriteLine($"Added Employee: {name}, ID: {id}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Employee with ID {id} already exists.");

    public void UpdateEmployee(int id, string newName)
        if (employeeDirectory.ContainsKey(id))
            employeeDirectory[id] = newName;
            Console.WriteLine($"Updated Employee ID {id} to new name: {newName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Employee with ID {id} not found.");

    public void DisplayEmployees()
        Console.WriteLine("\nEmployee Directory:");
        foreach (var employee in employeeDirectory)
            Console.WriteLine($"ID: {employee.Key}, Name: {employee.Value}");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        EmployeeDirectory directory = new EmployeeDirectory();

        // Adding employees
        directory.AddEmployee(101, "Alice");
        directory.AddEmployee(102, "Bob");

        // Displaying employees

        // Updating an employee's name
        directory.UpdateEmployee(102, "Robert");

        // Displaying employees again
        Console.WriteLine("\nAfter updating Bob to Robert:");


  1. Class Definition: The EmployeeDirectory class encapsulates a Dictionary<int, string> to store employee IDs as keys and names as values.
  2. Adding Employees: The AddEmployee method ensures that each employee ID is unique.
  3. Updating Employee Names: The UpdateEmployee method checks for the existence of an employee ID before updating the name.
  4. Displaying Employees: The DisplayEmployees method iterates through the dictionary, printing each employee’s ID and name.

This structure enables quick lookups, additions, and updates, ideal for managing employee data based on unique identifiers.

Key Takeaways

  • Efficient Key-Based Retrieval: The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class provides fast lookups and is ideal for managing data that requires unique keys.
  • Unique Key Constraint: Keys must be unique; adding an existing key will throw an exception.
  • Flexible Data Types: Supports any data types for keys and values, giving flexibility in handling different data structures.
  • Ideal Use Cases: Works well for lookup tables, configuration settings, or any scenario where fast retrieval by unique keys is necessary.


The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class in C# is a versatile and efficient collection that makes managing and retrieving key-value pairs straightforward. With its unique key constraint and fast lookup capability, it’s perfect for applications like employee directories, configuration settings, and other scenarios requiring quick access to data. By understanding its features, how to add, access, and update elements, and practical applications, developers can utilize Dictionary<TKey, TValue> to streamline data management in their C# applications. Whether handling IDs, settings, or other key-based data, Dictionary<TKey, TValue> provides an organized, efficient solution.