
C# ArrayList

ArrayList is one of the most versatile collection types in C#. Although it belongs to the legacy non-generic collections, it still sees use cases today due to its flexibility and ability to hold any type of data. This tutorial will provide a deep understanding of the ArrayList class, complete with real-world applications, examples, and key insights for optimal usage.

Introduction to ArrayList

The ArrayList is a non-generic collection in C#, part of the System.Collections namespace. Unlike arrays, which have a fixed size, ArrayList can dynamically resize, allowing you to add and remove elements at any time. Its flexibility makes it ideal for scenarios where the data type might vary or when working with legacy code.

Key Features of ArrayList

  • Dynamic Resizing: Expands automatically when adding elements, making it easier to manage dynamic data.
  • Type Flexibility: Can store elements of any type, as each element is treated as an object.
  • Legacy Collection: Despite its advantages, it lacks type safety, so ArrayList is typically used only when type safety isn’t a strict requirement.

Creating and Initializing an ArrayList

Creating an ArrayList is straightforward. First, make sure to include the System.Collections namespace, as it’s not part of the more modern System.Collections.Generic library.

using System.Collections;

ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();

You can also initialize an ArrayList with elements right at the start:

ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList() { 1, "Hello", 3.14, DateTime.Now };

In this example, myArrayList stores an int, string, double, and DateTime, showcasing ArrayList’s ability to hold different data types.

Adding, Accessing, and Modifying Elements

Adding Elements

You can add elements to an ArrayList using the Add or AddRange methods.

ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList();

ArrayList moreNumbers = new ArrayList() { 4, 5 };

Accessing Elements

Elements in an ArrayList are accessed by index. However, since ArrayList stores elements as objects, you may need to cast them to their original type.

int firstElement = (int)numbers[0];
string thirdElement = (string)numbers[2];

Modifying Elements

You can modify an element by directly assigning a new value to a specific index.

numbers[2] = "Three (modified)";

Removing Elements

ArrayList offers several methods for removing elements:

  • Remove: Removes the first occurrence of a specified element.
  • RemoveAt: Removes the element at a specific index.
  • RemoveRange: Removes a range of elements.
ArrayList names = new ArrayList() { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" };

Clearing All Elements

If you need to remove all elements from the ArrayList, use the Clear method.


Real-World Example: Employee Management

Consider an HR system where an ArrayList is used to store employees of different types temporarily. For instance, storing full-time, part-time, and contractual employees can be challenging if each type has unique properties. With ArrayList, you can easily handle different types of employees.


using System;
using System.Collections;

public class Employee
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Position { get; set; }

    public Employee(string name, string position)
        Name = name;
        Position = position;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"{Name}, {Position}";

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        ArrayList employeeList = new ArrayList();

        employeeList.Add(new Employee("Alice", "Manager"));
        employeeList.Add(new Employee("Bob", "Developer"));
        employeeList.Add(new Employee("Charlie", "Intern"));
        // Adding different object types to demonstrate ArrayList flexibility
        employeeList.Add("Contractor"); // Example of a non-employee item

        Console.WriteLine("Employee List:");
        foreach (var item in employeeList)
            if (item is Employee employee)
                Console.WriteLine(item); // Non-Employee item handling

        // Remove an employee
        Console.WriteLine("\nUpdated Employee List:");
        foreach (var item in employeeList)

In this example:

  1. We create an Employee class with Name and Position properties.
  2. We create an ArrayList named employeeList and add various employee types and a string object to demonstrate flexibility.
  3. During iteration, we check if each item is an Employee type before printing.

This approach allows us to handle different types of employees, including temporary data, without the strict type constraints of a generic list.

Key Takeaways

  • Dynamic Size: ArrayList grows as needed, which is helpful for dynamically changing data sets.
  • Type Flexibility: Can store different types of data, but at the cost of type safety.
  • Legacy Use: Primarily used for backward compatibility or specific scenarios where flexibility is more critical than type safety.
  • Performance Overheads: Casting, boxing, and unboxing can reduce performance compared to generic collections.


The ArrayList class in C# is a flexible, non-generic collection that allows you to add, modify, and remove elements of any type dynamically. It’s particularly useful when working with mixed data types or legacy code that doesn’t enforce type safety. However, modern applications generally favor generic collections like List<T> for type safety and performance. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of ArrayList can help developers make informed choices about when to use it effectively.