
C# Threading

Threading is an essential aspect of programming when you want to perform multiple operations simultaneously. In C#, threading is one of the most powerful tools available for building responsive and performant applications.

1. Introduction to Threading

Threading is a technique used to perform multiple tasks at the same time. A thread represents an individual execution path of a program. Every C# program runs in at least one thread—called the main thread—which is responsible for executing your application's main code.

When dealing with multiple tasks, threading allows your application to operate more efficiently. Threads are especially helpful in user interface (UI) applications, where you don’t want the UI to freeze while some time-consuming operation is in progress.

Why Use Threads in C#?

There are several reasons why threading is useful:

  • Improved Performance: Threads can run multiple tasks simultaneously, which is crucial for applications dealing with CPU-intensive or I/O-intensive tasks.
  • Responsiveness: When an application performs heavy tasks (like downloading a file), threading allows you to keep the UI responsive.
  • Concurrency: Enables executing multiple operations concurrently, which can lead to better resource utilization.

Understanding the Thread Class

In C#, threading is implemented using the System.Threading namespace. The Thread class provides methods and properties to manage and control threads.

Creating and Starting Threads

To create a new thread, you need to use the Thread class. Here’s an example of creating and starting a thread:

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Thread thread = new Thread(PrintNumbers);

        Console.WriteLine("Main thread continues running...");

    static void PrintNumbers()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"Printing {i}");
            Thread.Sleep(500); // Simulate work by pausing for 500ms


  • Thread thread = new Thread(PrintNumbers): Creates a new thread that runs the PrintNumbers method.
  • thread.Start(): Starts the thread, allowing PrintNumbers to run concurrently with the main thread.
  • Thread.Sleep(500): Pauses the thread for 500 milliseconds.

Stopping and Pausing Threads

Pausing a thread can be done with Thread.Sleep(milliseconds). However, stopping a thread is trickier, as it needs to be done safely to prevent resource issues. It's generally better to set a flag that the thread can check periodically to stop itself.

Thread Synchronization

The Problem with Concurrent Access

When multiple threads access shared resources (e.g., a variable or a file), it can lead to race conditions. In a race condition, threads "race" to access the shared resource, which can lead to inconsistent or incorrect results.

Locking Resources

To prevent race conditions, you can use the lock keyword to ensure that only one thread can access the shared resource at a time.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    private static int _counter = 0;
    private static readonly object _lock = new object();

    static void Main()
        Thread t1 = new Thread(IncrementCounter);
        Thread t2 = new Thread(IncrementCounter);



        Console.WriteLine($"Final Counter Value: {_counter}");

    static void IncrementCounter()
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            lock (_lock)


  • lock (_lock): Ensures that only one thread can enter the critical section at a time.
  • This prevents race conditions on the _counter variable.

Thread Safety and Best Practices

  • Avoid Deadlocks: When using lock, be careful not to introduce deadlocks—situations where threads wait indefinitely for resources to be released.
  • Minimize Lock Scope: Lock only the code that needs synchronization to reduce blocking time.
  • Use Thread.Join(): The Join() method allows one thread to wait for another to finish before proceeding.

Examples of Threading

Example 1: Creating a Simple Thread

using System.Threading;

Thread simpleThread = new Thread(() => Console.WriteLine("Running a simple thread."));

Explanation: A simple thread is created using a lambda and started using Start().

Example 2: Thread with Parameters

To pass parameters to a thread, you can use the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate:

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Thread thread = new Thread(PrintMessage);
        thread.Start("Hello from thread!");

    static void PrintMessage(object message)


  • The PrintMessage method takes an object parameter.
  • thread.Start("Hello from thread!") passes a string to the thread.

Example 3: Synchronizing Threads

Synchronizing threads using lock to avoid race conditions:

class Program
    private static int sharedResource = 0;
    private static readonly object _syncLock = new object();

    static void Main()
        Thread t1 = new Thread(Increment);
        Thread t2 = new Thread(Increment);



        Console.WriteLine($"Shared Resource: {sharedResource}");

    static void Increment()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            lock (_syncLock)


  • Threads t1 and t2 both increment the sharedResource variable.
  • lock (_syncLock) prevents both threads from accessing the variable simultaneously.

Real-World Example: Multithreaded File Processor

Imagine you have a directory containing a large number of text files, and you want to process each file independently without waiting for one to finish before starting another. This can be handled with threading.


You need to count the number of lines in each text file in a directory and do it quickly by processing them concurrently.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

class FileProcessor
    static void Main()
        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\temp\texts", "*.txt");
        foreach (string file in files)
            Thread thread = new Thread(() => ProcessFile(file));

    static void ProcessFile(string filePath)
        int lineCount = 0;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                while (reader.ReadLine() != null)

            Console.WriteLine($"{filePath} has {lineCount} lines.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error processing file {filePath}: {ex.Message}");


  • Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\temp\texts", "*.txt") retrieves all text files in the specified directory.
  • A new thread is created for each file to count the number of lines concurrently.
  • This approach significantly reduces the processing time compared to handling the files sequentially.

Use Case: This type of threading is beneficial for scenarios like bulk file processing, image processing, or dealing with multiple database operations.

Key Takeaways

  • Threading is Powerful: Allows concurrent execution, which enhances application responsiveness and efficiency.
  • Thread Safety is Crucial: Always consider synchronization when working with shared resources to avoid race conditions.
  • Use Locks Wisely: Minimize the code inside lock blocks to avoid performance bottlenecks and deadlocks.
  • Consider Alternatives: Threading is complex. Alternatives like Task Parallel Library (TPL) and async/await can simplify asynchronous programming in modern C#.


Threading is an important concept in C# for developing efficient and responsive applications. By creating and managing multiple threads, you can ensure that your application performs time-consuming tasks without compromising its responsiveness. The Thread class in C# provides all the tools you need to create, start, and manage threads effectively. However, threading also introduces complexity, such as managing shared resources, and must be handled with caution to avoid common pitfalls like race conditions and deadlocks.

We covered the basics of creating and using threads, discussed thread synchronization, and explored practical examples and a real-world use case for a multithreaded file processor. With these concepts, you can take advantage of threading to build scalable, efficient, and responsive C# applications.