
Numbers in C#

Numbers are fundamental to any programming language, and in C#, understanding how to use numbers effectively is crucial for writing efficient and correct code. C# provides various numeric data types, ranging from integers to floating-point numbers, each with specific characteristics and use cases. This detailed tutorial will cover everything you need to know about numbers in C#, including numeric types, operations, and practical examples.

Introduction to Numbers in C#

In C#, numbers are used to represent and perform operations on numeric values. The numeric data types in C# are divided into several categories based on their size and range. Understanding these categories helps developers choose the appropriate data type for a particular use case, optimize performance, and avoid common errors like overflows.

Types of Numeric Data in C#:

  • Integral types: For whole numbers (e.g., int, long).
  • Floating-point types: For fractional numbers (e.g., float, double).
  • Decimal type: For high-precision decimal values, often used in financial applications.

Numeric Data Types in C#

C# provides several numeric types that differ in range, precision, and size. These are divided into two major categories: integral types and floating-point types, along with the decimal type for high-precision decimal numbers.

Integral Types

Integral types store whole numbers (i.e., numbers without fractions). C# provides several integral types based on the size of the value you want to store.






32 bits

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

int num = 100;


64 bits

-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

long bigNum = 123456789012345;


16 bits

-32,768 to 32,767

short smallNum = 32767;


8 bits

0 to 255

byte smallPositiveNum = 200;


8 bits

-128 to 127

sbyte signedByte = -100;


32 bits

0 to 4,294,967,295

uint unsignedInt = 4000000000;


64 bits

0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

ulong veryBigNum = 1000000000000000;


16 bits

0 to 65,535

ushort unsignedShort = 60000;

Use Cases for Integral Types

  • int: Used for general integer calculations that don’t exceed the limits of a 32-bit signed integer. For example, counting items or simple loops.
  • long: Suitable when dealing with larger numbers, such as file sizes in bytes or precise timestamps.
  • short and byte: Commonly used in low-level applications, such as hardware programming, where memory usage is a concern.

Floating-Point Types

Floating-point types represent numbers with fractional parts. They can store very large or very small numbers with varying degrees of precision.



Approximate Range




32 bits

±1.5 × 10⁻⁴⁵ to ±3.4 × 10³⁸

7 digits

float pi = 3.14159f;


64 bits

±5.0 × 10⁻³²⁴ to ±1.7 × 10³⁰⁸

15-16 digits

double e = 2.718281828459;

Use Cases for Floating-Point Types

  • float: Typically used when memory is limited, such as in 3D graphics calculations or game development where many values need to be stored in arrays.
  • double: Used in scientific calculations and applications that require higher precision.

Decimal Type

The decimal type is a 128-bit data type used for high-precision financial and monetary calculations. Unlike floating-point types, decimal is designed to avoid rounding errors in base-10 arithmetic.



Approximate Range




128 bits

±1.0 × 10⁻²⁸ to ±7.9 × 10²⁸

28-29 digits

decimal price = 99.99m;

Use Cases for Decimal Type

  • Financial Calculations: Calculating currency values with high precision to avoid rounding errors.
  • Accurate Business Applications: Scenarios where exact precision is critical, such as tax computations, interest rates, or accounting.

Default Values of Numeric Types

When numeric variables are declared but not initialized, they receive default values based on their type:

  • int, long, etc.: 0
  • float, double, decimal: 0.0


class Program
    static void Main()
        int x;
        Console.WriteLine(x); // Compiler error: Use of unassigned local variable 'x'

        int y = 0; // Default value is manually set to 0
        Console.WriteLine(y); // Outputs: 0

Numeric Literals

Numeric literals are the direct values assigned to numeric variables. They come in different forms: integers, floating-point numbers, hexadecimal values, and more.

Integer Literals

int decimalLiteral = 10;      // Decimal (base 10)
int hexLiteral = 0xA;         // Hexadecimal (base 16)
int binaryLiteral = 0b1010;   // Binary (base 2)

Floating-Point Literals

double d = 3.14159;
float f = 3.14159f;  // 'f' suffix indicates a float literal

Scientific Notation

Floating-point literals can also be represented in scientific notation.

double distance = 1.5e6; // 1.5 * 10^6 (1,500,000)

Underscore Separators in Numeric Literals

C# allows underscores in numeric literals to improve readability.

int largeNumber = 1_000_000;
double preciseNumber = 3.141_592_653_59;

Type Conversions with Numbers

Sometimes, you need to convert numbers between different types. C# offers both implicit and explicit conversions.

Implicit Conversion

Implicit conversion happens automatically when no data is lost in the conversion.

int smallValue = 10;
long bigValue = smallValue;  // Implicit conversion from int to long

Explicit Conversion (Casting)

Explicit conversion requires a cast when there is a risk of data loss.

long largeNumber = 123456789;
int smallerNumber = (int)largeNumber;  // Explicit cast

Conversion Between Numeric Types

C# provides several ways to convert between numeric types, such as using Convert.ToInt32(), Convert.ToDouble(), and so on.

Numeric Operations in C#

Basic Arithmetic Operations

C# supports standard arithmetic operations:

int a = 10, b = 3;
int sum = a + b;        // Addition
int difference = a - b; // Subtraction
int product = a * b;    // Multiplication
int quotient = a / b;   // Integer division
int remainder = a % b;  // Modulo (remainder)

Math Class for Advanced Operations

The Math class in C# provides methods for more advanced calculations.

double squareRoot = Math.Sqrt(16);   // Returns 4
double power = Math.Pow(2, 3);       // Returns 8 (2^3)
double round = Math.Round(3.14159, 2);  // Returns 3.14

Division in C#: Integer and Floating-Point Division

C# distinguishes between integer and floating-point division.

int intDivision = 10 / 3;    // Result is 3 (integer division)
double floatDivision = 10.0 / 3.0;  // Result is 3.333... (floating-point division)

Overflow and Underflow in Numeric Operations

In C#, an overflow occurs when a value exceeds the storage capacity of the numeric type. For instance:

int maxInt = int.MaxValue;
int overflowedInt = maxInt + 1; // This causes an overflow.

To detect overflows, you can use the checked keyword.

    int result = int.MaxValue + 1; // Throws OverflowException

Practical Examples and Use Cases

Handling Large Numbers in Financial Calculations

When working with large numbers in financial systems, it's common to use the decimal type to avoid rounding errors.

decimal price = 1234.56m;
decimal quantity = 100m;
decimal total = price * quantity; // Accurate result

Working with Precise Floating-Point Numbers

For scientific calculations where precision is key, the double type is often used.

double radius = 7.5;
double area = Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2); // Area of a circle

Common Mistakes and Best Practices

Mistake: Ignoring Precision in Financial Calculations

  • What to do instead: Use decimal for monetary values, not float or double.

Mistake: Unintentional Integer Division

  • What to do instead: Ensure at least one operand is a floating-point type.


Understanding numbers and their respective types in C# is crucial for writing correct and efficient code. Different numeric types in C# are optimized for different scenarios, such as integer calculations, floating-point operations, and financial applications. Through careful selection of types and awareness of conversions and overflows, you can handle numbers effectively in your C# applications.