
C# Anonymous Method

Anonymous methods in C# are a unique way of defining unnamed inline methods, which are ideal when you need a short, single-use function. Introduced in C# 2.0, anonymous methods are often used with delegates and provide a more compact, flexible way of handling specific scenarios where a fully declared method might be excessive. This guide covers anonymous methods in-depth, including syntax, use cases, examples, and real-world applications.

Introduction to Anonymous Methods

In C#, an anonymous method is essentially a block of code that you define inline, directly in the place where it is needed, without assigning it a name. This approach is particularly useful for defining short functions that are only intended for a specific use, such as event handling, small calculations, or delegates that will only be invoked in a specific context.

Anonymous methods are frequently used with:

  • Delegates: As an inline alternative to full delegate implementations.
  • Event Handlers: Simplifies event binding for one-time or specific-use cases.
  • Short Calculations: Perfect for inline mathematical operations or conditional checks.

Syntax of Anonymous Methods

An anonymous method is defined using the delegate keyword, followed by the parameter list in parentheses and a code block within curly braces { }.

Basic Syntax of an Anonymous Method

delegate (parameters) 
    // Method body

Example with No Parameters

    Console.WriteLine("Hello from an anonymous method!");

Example with Parameters

delegate (int a, int b) 
    return a + b;

Key Points

  • No Name: Unlike regular methods, anonymous methods do not have a name.
  • Scope and Accessibility: They only exist within the scope where they are defined.
  • Limitations: They cannot have out parameters, and they don’t support certain language features like attributes.

Examples of Using Anonymous Methods

Example 1: Anonymous Method with Delegate

Here’s an example where an anonymous method is assigned to a delegate and then invoked.

using System;

delegate void GreetDelegate(string name);

class Program
    static void Main()
        GreetDelegate greet = delegate (string name) 
            Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");
        greet("Alice");  // Output: Hello, Alice!


  • GreetDelegate is a delegate that takes a string parameter.
  • An anonymous method is assigned to greet, which prints a greeting message.

Example 2: Using Anonymous Method for Inline Calculation

In this example, we use an anonymous method to perform a calculation within a delegate.

using System;

delegate int CalculateDelegate(int x, int y);

class Program
    static void Main()
        CalculateDelegate add = delegate (int x, int y) 
            return x + y;
        int result = add(5, 10);
        Console.WriteLine(result);  // Output: 15


  • CalculateDelegate takes two integers and returns an integer.
  • The anonymous method performs an addition operation and returns the result.

Example 3: Anonymous Method in a List<T>.ForEach

Anonymous methods are useful for list operations, such as printing each element in a list.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<string> names = new List<string> { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" };
        names.ForEach(delegate (string name) 


  • ForEach iterates through each element in the names list.
  • An anonymous method is used to print each name in the list.

Real-World Example: Event Handling in GUI Applications

In GUI applications (e.g., WinForms or WPF), anonymous methods simplify event handling, especially for small or one-time event handlers. Here’s an example of how an anonymous method can be used to handle a button click event in a Windows Forms application.

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class MyForm : Form
    private Button clickButton;
    public MyForm()
        clickButton = new Button();
        clickButton.Text = "Click Me";
        clickButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 50);
        // Using an anonymous method for the button's Click event
        clickButton.Click += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Button clicked!");
    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new MyForm());


  • The clickButton.Click event is assigned an anonymous method to display a message box when the button is clicked.
  • This avoids the need to define a separate method, keeping the event handler code compact and localized.

Real-World Use Case: Anonymous methods are commonly used in UI applications for temporary event handlers. For instance, if you want to handle button clicks, menu selections, or other UI events with a short, one-time action, using anonymous methods makes your code cleaner and more readable.

Key Takeaways

  • Anonymous Methods Are Unnamed: They’re inline functions that don’t require a method name.
  • Ideal for Short, Single-Use Logic: Suitable for scenarios where defining a full method would be excessive.
  • Useful with Delegates and Events: Commonly used for defining delegate logic or handling events, especially in UI applications.
  • Limited in Scope and Functionality: Anonymous methods lack certain features like out parameters and attributes but are flexible and efficient for quick operations.


Anonymous methods in C# provide an efficient, inline approach for defining single-use methods, especially for event handling or delegate-based operations. They enhance code readability and reduce the need for additional methods, particularly when the functionality is brief or limited to a specific scope. While lambda expressions have largely replaced anonymous methods in modern C# development, understanding anonymous methods is essential for working with legacy code or specific cases where inline methods simplify code structure.