
C# Action Delegate

The Action delegate in C# provides an effective way to encapsulate methods that do not return a value, making it ideal for methods that perform actions, side effects, or procedural logic. This tutorial explains the Action delegate, demonstrates its uses, and explores real-world applications.

Introduction to Action Delegate

The Action delegate in C# is part of the System namespace and allows you to encapsulate a method that takes from zero to 16 input parameters and does not return any value. It is particularly useful for executing code that performs operations without needing to return a result.

Key Characteristics:

  • No Return Value: Unlike Func, Action delegates do not return any value.
  • Supports Up to 16 Parameters: Action delegates can handle methods with zero to 16 input parameters, making it flexible for various use cases.

Understanding Action Delegate Syntax

The Action delegate is generic and follows this syntax:


Action<in T1, in T2, ...>

Where, T1, T2, ...: Input parameter types.

Example: Basic Action Declaration

Action<int, int> displaySum = (x, y) => Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {x + y}");
displaySum(3, 5); // Output: Sum: 8

In this example:

  • Action<int, int> defines a delegate with two integer parameters (x, y) and no return type.
  • The displaySum lambda expression calculates and displays the sum of two integers.

Examples of Using Action Delegate

Example 1: Action with No Parameters

Here, Action is used to print a simple message, requiring no input parameters.

Action displayMessage = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
displayMessage(); // Output: Hello, World!


  • Action with no type parameters (Action) specifies a delegate with no parameters and no return type.
  • The lambda expression () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!") simply prints a message.

Example 2: Action with a Single Parameter

In this example, Action is used to display a single number.

Action<int> displayNumber = x => Console.WriteLine($"Number: {x}");
displayNumber(10); // Output: Number: 10


  • Action<int> specifies a delegate with one integer parameter.
  • The lambda x => Console.WriteLine($"Number: {x}") prints the provided integer.

Example 3: Action with Multiple Parameters

Action can also be used to perform more complex operations involving multiple parameters.

Action<string, int> greetPerson = (name, age) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.");
greetPerson("Alice", 30); // Output: Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old.


  • Action<string, int> defines a delegate with a string and an integer parameter.
  • The lambda (name, age) => Console.WriteLine(...) outputs a personalized greeting message.

Real-World Example: Logging System

A practical use case for Action is in designing a logging system, where different log levels (info, warning, error) can be handled using Action delegates. This pattern allows for flexible and reusable logging behavior across various parts of an application.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Define logging actions
        Action<string> infoLogger = message => Console.WriteLine($"INFO: {message}");
        Action<string> warningLogger = message => Console.WriteLine($"WARNING: {message}");
        Action<string> errorLogger = message => Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {message}");

        // Sample log messages
        infoLogger("Application started.");
        warningLogger("Disk space is running low.");
        errorLogger("Application encountered a fatal error.");

        // Output:
        // INFO: Application started.
        // WARNING: Disk space is running low.
        // ERROR: Application encountered a fatal error.


  • infoLogger: This Action<string> logs informational messages.
  • warningLogger: This Action<string> logs warning messages.
  • errorLogger: This Action<string> logs error messages.

Real-World Use Case: This approach can be used in a modular application to separate different logging behaviors, enabling developers to log different severity levels in various contexts, such as for tracking usage metrics, troubleshooting, or performance monitoring.

Key Takeaways

  • No Return Value Requirement: Action delegates are designed for methods that perform actions without returning a result.
  • Flexible Parameter Count: It supports from zero to 16 parameters, providing versatility for different types of methods.
  • Ideal for Reusable Operations: Action delegates are perfect for encapsulating reusable procedures, especially those performing side effects or procedural logic.
  • Useful for Event Handling: Action delegates are commonly used in event handlers, logging, and callbacks where no return value is required.


The Action delegate in C# enables developers to encapsulate procedures that require multiple input parameters without returning any result. It is versatile, supporting methods with zero to 16 input parameters, making it suitable for various scenarios, from simple display messages to complex event handling and logging systems. Using Action delegates not only enhances code readability but also enables a modular approach to method reuse across applications.